More Homeowners Associations Victimized

By Alex de Armas – Published April 24th, 2013
GAINESVILLE- The scandal involving homeowners’ associations being ripped off is growing. Today we learned at least four more associations are involved in the Sun Lu Properties investigation. Yesterday we told you that Sun Lu was being investigated for allegedly stealing tens of thousands of dollars from two or three associations. TV20s Alex de Armas reports the investigation includes many more associations… and a lot more money. We could be talking about over a hundred thousand dollars lost or misused. I spoke to one homeowners association board member who says other associations may have been victimized and don’t even know it. “I had received a phone call from another board member that had gotten wind that possible money had been stolen out of our account,” said Pat Burns, Treasurer of Hampton Ridge Homeowners Association. “And sure enough I called the bank and our money market account was overdrawn by three thousand dollars.” Their money market account was rarely touched. “So right then and there I knew something was terribly wrong,” said Burns.  Read more:

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