NATIONAL – Early Efforts on Behalf of “The Amateur Radio Parity Act” HR.4969 Bearing Fruit

ARRL.ORG:  Early Efforts on Behalf of “The Amateur Radio Parity Act” HR.4969 Bearing Fruit
“HR.4969 only seeks ‘reasonable accommodation’ for Amateur Radio communication. It would give you a seat at the table with your homeowners’ association, requiring it to arrive at a reasonable antenna accommodation, instead of imposing an absolute and outright ban on all antennas.”
August 5, 2014

Initial efforts to secure additional co-sponsors for “The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014” — HR.4969 — are starting to produce results. As of August 5, 17 co-sponsors have signed onto the bill, which was introduced in the US House of Representatives with bipartisan support in late June. Additional co-sponsors are anticipated. HR.4969 would call on the FCC to apply the “reasonable accommodation” three-part test of the PRB-1federal pre-emption policy to private land-use restrictions regarding antennas. The bill’s primary sponsor is Rep Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), and it received initial co-sponsorship from Rep Joe Courtney (D-CT), who attended the ARRL National Centennial Convention on July 19 to speak with League officials and those attending the event.

“With Congress on break for the month of August, we are encouraging our members to meet with their representatives while they are home on break in their districts, and urge their support for HR.4969,” said ARRL Regulatory Information Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND. “We’re very pleased with the initial response, but the more noise we make, the better our chances.” He emphasized that a successful outcome requires as many co-sponsors as possible, and that’s where ARRL members come into play in their role as voters and constituents.

The League has opened a HR.4969 page, which contains information and guidance for clubs and individuals promoting efforts to gain co-sponsors for the measure by contacting their members of Congress. The web page includes a sample letter to a member of Congress and a list of “talking points.” For in-person visits, the League recommends organizing small teams of knowledgeable, articulate radio amateurs to approach lawmakers one to one to plead their case.  Read more:

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