FLORIDA – Owners in Harbor Hills HOA Celebrate Victory Over Developer


Top Priority: The creation of a regulatory agency for homeowners’ associations.

By Jan Bergemann

July 1, 2014

After a lengthy court battle that initially started already in 2006, owners of the HARBOR HILLS HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, INC. in Lady Lakecould finally celebrate a decisive victory with the help of a JURY VERDICT on November 8, 2013. The jury found the developer, Michael Rich, guilty of BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY ( DOC ) and found that the developer owed the Harbor Hills Homeowners’ Association damages in the amount of $ 640,000.00 to fully satisfy its obligations under the Governing Documents for the time period from 2005 through 2010. The jury verdict was a slam-dunk decision in favor of the plaintiffs. The decision made it very clear that the jury found Michael Rich guilty on all points raised in the lawsuit.

For more details of the lawsuits and the rulings please see the attached court documents.

In his FINAL JUDGMENT Honorable Judge Richard Singeltary followed the recommendations of the jury and awarded the two plaintiffs, Esther Line and Larry Bell — and the homeowners of the Harbor Hills Homeowners’ Association, a total amount of$640,000 and LEGAL FEES — still to be determined.

As expected the developer, Michael Rich, has filed an appeal – an appeal that most likely was just filed to prolong the process. Experts give this appeal very little chance of success.   Read more:


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