Texas: It’s Time to Fight

Homeowners had no warning.  Homeowners didn’t surrender. Quietly and without fanfare, the Texas legislature took away our property rights and gave them to the HOA Industry: the lawyers who run foreclosure factories, property managers who charge us for their own irresponsible management, and boards that would deny us liberty in our own homes.

Too often, homeowners only learn of the HOA Industry control when they get hit by exorbitant and unlimited attorney fees and fines, liens, and foreclosures, or when a cabal takes over their community, frustrates fair voting, meets secretly, and hides records.

Homeowners want an end to HOA abuse.  Now is the time for better laws, in areas such as:

  • Fair elections: Mail-in numbered ballots for every member
  • Open Meetings (chapter 551)
  • Open Records (Chapter 552)
  • By-Laws and CC&R (deed restriction) changes by member vote only
  • No fines
  • All key documents, including financial and history of lawsuits, on the web for easy  access
  • State Agency Oversight – independent of the HOA Industry
  • Member approval required for foreclosure

Yet, even as HOAs increase their control of owners’ daily lives, the HOA industry opposes any change, any regulation labeling it “government control”.  They have it exactly backwards. The HOA is the out-of-control agency.  We want to end bad statutes that give excessive power to invasive lawyers, property managers, and boards. Our goal is to restore fundamental constitutional rights – to allow all members to have a voice in self-governance and to promote harmony rather than division in communities.

Our goal can only be achieved by the “power of the people”. Texas homeowners must unite in their neighborhoods to reclaim their rights denied by the HOAs.  They must demand their representatives in the Texas Senate and House truly represent them and not the HOA lobbyists.

The HOA Industry opposition is always fierce, instilling fear of change.  The wanna-be overseers enjoy their power and control and testify at legislative hearings how wonderful HOA life is. Those who rule do have a wonderful life, but they ignore the serious overreaching. The HOA industry is living on your money.  Reclaim your rights and your money. Tell us what laws you want changed. Have your neighborhood group ally with the HOA Reform Coalition today!

Please give us your name and contact information so that we can send you alerts from time to time. United with other Texas Homeowners, we can reclaim homeowners’ rights.  Click this link Tell Us About Your HOA

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