On the Commons with Shu and Marjorie Murray – 7/23/16

Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
This Week’s Show
I am beginning to think that any lie will do.  As long as no one looks too closely, as long as the lie sounds plausible, as long as it is delivered with a straight face, it is good to go.  You really do not have to go too much farther than the lies that are told when selling HOAs.  Just think of the ones that are routinely used to make surrendering sovereignty of our homes sound like such an honor and you will understand what I mean. A few buzzwords that need no explanation readily come to mind; “carefree living”, “protecting property values” and “democracy up close and personal”.
Such a deal!  You give up the right to decide what to plant in your front yard in return for having a say in what happens in the community.
So how does that work?
  Marjorie Murray joins us On  The Commons.  Marjorie is the founder and president of the Center for California Homeowner Association Law.  Over the years she and the Center for California Law have tirelessly tracked legislation and have worked with like minded groups and legislators to ensure that homeowner friendly laws are enacted.  They have educated law makers about the hidden dangers and pitfalls of proposed bills that would benefit the HOA industry to the detriment of the owners and have fought valiantly to defeat them when they have come up.  One such bill that reared its ugly head in California this year was AB1799   The bill was introduced and explained as a cost saving measure for associations.  On the surface it may sound like a great idea BUT WAIT A MINUTE, what would it really do?  And just how well would this new law, had it passed, square with the “Democracy up close and personal” benefit to HOA living we are promised?  Marjorie explains in detail what this bill would have done and gives some solid tips on how to find, and fight, these bills when they are introduced in a State Capitol near you. You know they are coming to your neck of the woods.  She also gives some good advice on how to expose the, um, shall we we say, untruths in the claims?  You’ll want to tune in and never underestimate the importance of letting your legislators hear from you.
Inside the California State Capitol
On The Commons is broadcast every Saturday from 2-3 PM ET on Radio Fairfax. In the Northern Virginia area, On The Commons can be heard on Cox Cable, Channel 37 and Verizon Channel 37. On Comcast channel 27 in Reston in addition to several more cable channels all across Northern Virginia. To listen LIVE globally on the internet, go to Radio Fairfax and click on “Stream Radio Fairfax” and if you are on the go, on your mobile devices, Radio Fairfax MobileThe show will be available on On the Commons shortly afterwards. Please also visit our archives at On the Commons.

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